Always be the best you can be!
We are Eagles. Watch us soar!
We all can soar, but just at different heights.
PLEASE, bring in your laptops every day fully charged!
This year each student is expected to read for 20 minutes each day.
They can get free books on line in
class code is jkd6480
class code is hzito
Students have a reading log. They are expected to record the date, book title and a summary of the book. This is modified based on student's abilities.
Please study the multiplication facts!
We have made multiplication cards in class.
Please help them study
Please email me with any questions!
Mrs. Zito [email protected]
Mrs. DeVito Gr. 4 (Science and Social Studies) [email protected]
Mrs. Fernandes Gr. 5 (Science) [email protected]
Ms. Marcazo Gr. 5 (Social Studies) [email protected]
Mrs. DiSclafani (Computers) [email protected]
Mr. Howard (Art) [email protected]
Mrs. Lester (Music) [email protected]
Mr. Picchierri (Phys Ed) [email protected]