Dear Parents and Families,
It is with great pride and excitement that I write this letter to you and present the website for Washington Irving School #4! Education has long been my passion and I look forward to partnering with you to provide a high quality educational experience for your child. As the father of two girls, I recognize and value the importance of a strong connection between home and school. I believe that by working together, we can exceed the expectations for your child's social, emotional, and academic needs.
I believe that great schools are the result of collective goals. If we are not all moving in the same direction, we will not reach our intended destination. So, first and foremost, the staff and I work hard to create a safe and welcoming environment. We want the school to be a place where your child loves to be! Secondly, we work hard to increase student academic performance. However, it takes a village to raise a child. Parents, teachers, support staff, community, and administration all have a part in ensuring our children's success. If you would like to make an appointment to express your ideas, your concerns, and how you may be able to help, please contact the school at any time.
We are very excited about the direction in which our school is going. We are consistently redefining the way we teach our subject matter to match our student's needs and the changing times. You will find that many of our practices are on the cutting edge of educational theory, yet we will always look to improve. Our staff is always looking for a way to help our students find success!
Eager to learn, Always responsible, Giving respect, Leadership Skills, and Excellent Attendance... this is how our students learn to be EAGLES!
If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to find out more about the school, please contact the school. We look forward to hearing from you!
Jeffrey B. Wilson
Click to listen to Mr. Wilson talk about Sustaining School Improvement by Celebrating Success