Recorder Information Page
Don't forget to practice! Email me if you have any questions or need help.
Make sure you have your recorder and your music folder on music class days: Your day is -
3-Bell Monday
3-Emmer Tuesday
3-Kreshpane Wednesday
3-Lindstrom Wednesday
3-Niemec Thursday
Here are a few tips:
The line notes of the treble clef from the BOTTOM up are E-G-B-D-F
The space notes of the treble clef from the BOTTOM up are F-A-C-E
Left hand at the top!
Recorder Fingering: B - thumb and hole 1
A - thumb and holes 1 and 2
G - thumb and holes 1, 2 and 3
E - thumb and holes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
D - thumb and holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
NOTES: Notes mean sound
Whole note - 4 beats of sound
Half note - 2 beats of sounds
Quarter note - 1 beat of sound
Paired eighth notes (ti ti) - 1 beat of sound
RESTS: Remember - Rests mean silence
Whole Rest - 4 beats of silence
Half Rest - 2 beats of silence
Quarter Rest - 1 beat of silence
Eighth Rest - 1/2 beat of silence
Recorders and music folders should always be in school for your scheduled music day. If a student is missing their recorder 3 times in a marking period it will lower their music grade so make sure you are responsible!